Advocates in Action RI logo
Self-Advocacy means
realizing what's important,
speaking up about it
and making a difference!

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Unless otherwise noted, all photos and materials on this site are the exclusive property of Advocates in Action Rhode Island.

Contact us with any inquiries about using, adapting, or purchasing our materials.

Copyright © 2023
Advocates in Action RI, Inc.

Advocates in Action RI is a 501(c) non-profit organization. There are several ways you can support our work:

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Welcome to Our Website!

Advocates in Action RI is Rhode Island's premiere statewide Self-Advocacy organization. As an independent, 501(c)3 organization, our mission is to empower people who have a developmental disability to advocate for themselves and others, to support and strengthen the Self‐Advocacy movement and to raise awareness about disability issues in the community. We strive to help people become educated about their options, aware of available resources, able to make informed decisions, in control of their own lives, and involved within the community.

Check out the menu on the left to view the various ways that we've worked towards these goals over the years. This is just a small sample of the resources in our collection. If you're looking for a specific topic, have any questions, or would like to suggest additional content for our site, send an email and let us know.

RI's 2024 Self-Advocacy Conference.
We Belong Here, Thursday, May 9th and Friday, May 10th

Thanks to everyone who joined us at RI's 2024 Statewide Self-Advocacy Conference!

We Belong Here was all about about Equality, Community, and Inclusion!

We're in the process of editing the recordings and will be posting them here, along with related resources, and photos from our Dinner Dance Party.

In the meantime, we're happy to share this year's conference song in the space below.

We Belong Here was written and performed by our friend Mark Cutler and this year's Leadership Series Class.

We may be biased, but we think they did an amazing job. We hope you do, too.

Enjoy the tunes and please visit again soon for conference recordings and more!

cartoon of stick figure people with speech bubbles above them and the words, "Join us at the next DD Community Forum"

The next RI DD Community Quarterly Forum takes place on Tuesday, June 18th, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.

This is a great opportunity to hear updates from the Division of Developmental Disabilities and ask questions!

Visit our DD Forum Page to register for this event and watch recordings from previous Forums and Public Information Sessions.

The Leadership Series. Click on this image to learn about our next class  how to apply.

The deadline to apply for the 2024 Leadership Series was Friday, January 19th.

Please CLICK HERE to sign up for our mailing list if you'd like to receive information about next year's class and other events.

Say Hello to the Leadership Series Class of 2024!!

Liina Bray

Rhonda Digilio

Nicole Duncan

Leigh Ann Dutra

Mirela Gomes

Pablo Jimenez

Joseph McCarthy

Gabriel Mouradjian

Amethys Nieves

Anna Reagle

Carmen Rios

Nikolas Simijis

Marc Smith

Daniel Thompson

Click to visit the Graduate Academy page: Join us!

Calling All Graduates!

Our Leadership Graduate Academy is an opportunity for graduates of the Leadership Series and Partners-RI to continue their learning experience with us.

CLICK HERE to visit our Graduate Academy page and find out more!

This page was updated on Friday, May 31, 2024

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