RI's 2024 Statewide Self-Advocacy Conference.
We Belong Here! Rhode Island's 
Thursday, May 9th-Friday, May 10th.
Hosted by Advocates in Action RI, Nothing About Us Without Us

Thanks to all those who joined us at We Belong Here,

Rhode Island's 2024 Statewide Self-Advocacy Conference!

Check out the links below for conference recordings, photos,

and additional resources from this year's event.

Opening Session. 10 to 11 a.m.

Use the links below to watch footage from this year's opening session:

Watch the presentation from this year's Leadership Series Class, About Leadership

Watch the presentation from Jeff Christie and Kate Bowden about Voting

Watch and listen to this year's conference theme song:

Morning workshop presentations

11 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Natural Supports: Who's in your circle? Online safety and secuirty tips Why we Volunteer Being a Real Friend

Lunch break from 12 to 1 p.m.

Afternoon workshop presentations.
1:30 to 2:30 pm

Your Life, Your Rights! 
You've got that right: Equality, Dignity, Safety, Privacy, Choice, Respect.
RI DD Services. Qualities of a good support person Ask the Division.
Questions and answers about your DD Services How to make your own podcast



Questions? We're Here to Help!

Advocates in Action phone number: 1-877-532-5543 email: conference@advocatesinaction.org

Advocates in Action is proud to host this annual statewide event, with support from the RI Division of Developmental Disabilities and LemontheDuck.com.

Go to: Advocatesinaction.org

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This Page was updated on:
June 14, 2024